Sunday, December 23, 2007

Promises, promises....

I can recall this time last year, making a mental list of the goals, resolutions and promises I made to myself. Achieving most of the goals included completing my degree (I graduated last May), buying a home (we closed escrow October 31st, made Halloween- EXTRA SCARY) and continuing with our infertility treatments (we were successful for a brief period of time and have much hope for our future treatments).

We also has some events that occurred unexpectedly and are part of life's curve balls - a miscarriage, a long (and onetime really good) friendship ended, watching a marriage of two really good friends end and watching a family member lose their home and worldly possessions. These events were rough, emotional and somehow made me into a stronger person with a changed perspective.

For 2008, the list includes (as usual) focusing on my diet and being more committed to an exercise routine, furthering my education and making a career change -I'll start school in February for the Master's program and hope to be teaching by next September. I will make more of an effort to visit and spend time with my Grandparents. Our biggie - to become parents.

As I reflect upon this past year, I feel really lucky that we were able to accomplish so much. I couldn't have done it with the support of my great husband, amazing parents and really good friends.

Hope the new year brings you much love, happiness and great health.

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