Monday, December 10, 2007

Thank you Dean and Deluca

Two people to thank today - Mr. Joel Dean and Mr. Giorgio DeLuca, two of the worlds biggest "Foodies" whose artisan cheeses and seasonal snacks are well known amongst those who love really good food aka "foodies". Those unfamiliar with Dean and Deluca should check out they operate a website for those of us not able to make it to the famed gourmet shop, of the same name, in New York City.

Bestowed upon our office today was a beautiful package from D & D, the "Seasonal snack on the run" Tin group filled with chocolate covered cherries, chocolate caramels, fruit sours and much, much more. Now, I'm not one to balk at the grocery store level chocolate. Don't get me started on frozen Reese's peanut butter cups, the world is just a better place with one in your hand and peeling back the wrapper awaiting the chocolate - oh yeah, it's a religious experience. Today, I'm quite sure I ate more sweets than recommended by the Food and Drug Administration.

The tin was delivered to the department next to ours, but we all share. I waited patiently like an animal tracking it's prey. I heard the unravel of the plastic around the tin and a really loud "Oh my Gosh". It was on, I had walked by the tins and not opened any - swore to myself that I would wait until someone else dove in ( it took a whopping 5 minutes after they were delivered) . Calm yet brisk footsteps around the corner and I approached the tins, ahhhh the beautiful world of Dean and Deluca winked their flirtatious eyes of enticement, the perfect short cylinder tins with clear lids teasing you with a glimmer of their goods all fitting snugly in a perfect red square box. I won't even talk about the paper it was wrapped in - that was a whole other experience.

Thanks to Dean and Deluca (and whoever ordered/sent the gift from the foodie Gods) an unbearable Monday at the office turned out to be a "sweet"day.

I love the holidays!

1 comment:

Jules said...

mmmm. Dean and Deluca. swoon.

We can always go up north for a little D&D! Do they still have that one in the Napa valley?